
This is a guest post by Bandhive - get your free copy of their Master Show Log now to get more shows, so you have an opportunity sell merch! When you're in a band, it's not easy to actually make money from your music.Are you frustrated with the constant struggle of playing shows, but never […]


One thing that many bands who are just starting out have to learn from experience is how to plan a tour properly. Planning a DIY tour can be really easy for a band that's just getting started, but many artists jump in head first without doing research on how to properly execute a tour. Obviously, […]


In part 1 of this series, we discussed the first stages of putting together a tour and figuring out the optimal route for the tour. In this installment of the series, you'll learn a basic DIY tour budget for bands. If you haven't read part 1 yet, go back and read it now.Though you can […]


The Problem These days, I see a lot of great artists spend time and money in the studio. After months of hard work, the band makes a Facebook post – they’ve released their music on Bandcamp! They might play a release show, or do a quick tour, but after that the promotion for the album […]


For decades, artists have dreamed of success. Traveling the globe, playing shows to thousands of screaming fans, and living the life. Traditionally, this required being signed to a record label. While it’s no longer the case that a band needs to be signed to be successful, and labels are providing less and less support, some […]